About Us

International Scholars Journals (ISJ) is a rapidly growing scientific publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines.  Founded in 2002, the company currently publishes 83 peer-reviewed scientific journals. As a publisher, we strongly support The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), The Berlin declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge, the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing and we adopt the COPE guidelines on publication ethics. ISJ maintains the highest standards of peer review, with an editorial team comprising some of the world's leading researchers and scientists. Many of the journals that ISJ publishes are included in the leading abstracting and indexing databases. 

ISJ uses CrossRef DOIs to provide published articles stable, persistent and sustainable links that preserve scholarly citation records and link all our contents to other publishers and organizations. Our authors and readers can easily link from our references to other relevant articles and vice versa, thus increasing research visibility and impact.

All works published by ISJ  are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited. ISJ is predicated on the need for researchers to have access to a source of information and an opportunity to share, through publication, new ideas and solutions for sustainable development.

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