A study of pre and post test knowledge score of nurses on care of patient with central venous access devices in selected oncology hospital of Bangalore


Verma Kumari* 1 , Sao Devi2 and Ambika Narayani2

Central venous access devices are small, flexible tubes placed in large veins for people who require frequent access to the bloodstream. Educational programs that advance knowledge, skill and competence and determine performance levels for nurses caring for patients with central venous access devices will be effective. Development of criteria rating scale, preparation of Structural Teaching Programme (STP) and content validity were the steps followed to develop STP. The present study was conducted at the New Building of Bangalore Institute of Oncology. Staff nurses had the highest mean percentage (70%) in complications and its management concept, and lowest (66%) in the area of concept with standard deviation of 1.1 and 1.5 respectively. The overall pre-test knowledge mean percentage was 67%. Staff nurses had the highest mean percentage (91%) in the complications and its management, and lowest (85%) in the area of concept with standard deviation of 1.2 and 1.6 respectively. The overall post test knowledge mean percentage was 87%. Overall, mean percent of pre test knowledge score was 67% and post test knowledge score was 87%. The data further supports that post test knowledge scores were greater than the pre test knowledge scores. So, there was 20% enhancement in the overall knowledge after the structured teaching program. The statistical paired ‘t’ test for overall knowledge was found as 8.5 (p-value = 0.0001) which emphasizes that the difference in pre test and post test knowledge score was found to be statistically significant at 0.0001 level. This implies that the teaching programme on care of patient with central venous access device among staff nurses is effective.

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