Omare K. Bartholomew, Okwovoriole Anthony and Tafera F. Moses
This study was a survey of bush meat marketing in Idanre Local Government Area of Ondo State. The sample consisted of fifty (50) purposely selected bush meat marketers from the study area. Data were collected from respondents through the use of well-structured questionnaire to elicit information on demographic and socio economic variables. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentages, concentration, ratios and operational efficiency. The result revealed that 72% of the respondents sell their bush meat to the final consumers and there was an indication of low concentration in the market given the Concentration Ratio (CR) with CR2, CR4 and CR8 of 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5% respectively. Ninety seven percent had sub optimal operational efficiency which indicates that there is room for efficiency growth. Based on these findings, it was recommended that government should encourage hunters, by reducing areas that are restricted to improve and increase the volume of games catch and also proffer better means of conservation based on informed knowledge of the participants in the trade.
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