Hasan Kalyoncu and Melek Zeybek
A number of biotic indices (Biological Monitoring Working Party-BMWP, Average Score Per Taxa- ASPT, Belgian Biotic Index-BBI, Family Biotic Index-FBI, Saproby Index-SI, Extended Biotic Index-EBI, Biotic Index for Pampean Rivers and Streams-IBPAMP), diversity indices (Margalef-MDI, Simpson-SDI and Shannon and Weaver-SWDI Diversity indices) and EPT% (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera), EPT/Chironomus%, based on benthic macroinvertebrates in relation to physicochemical parameters, have been applied in assessing the water quality of the Rivers Cukurca and Isparta (Mediterranean Region, Turkey). According to the results, the water quality in both rivers varied from weak to excellent. From the indices, SWDI index of the diversity indices and BBI index of the biotic indices seem to be the most reliable. All indices, except EBI were found applicable for Mediterranean Region in Turkey. More researches must be carried out, to get exact decisions about the applicability of EBI in Turkey’s rivers.
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