Wangari Muthui Mathai
The need for sound decision making is a matter of necessity in any organization. Economic liberalization in Kenya is exposing organizations and institutions to fierce competition and hence calls for managers to improve their decision making. This study investigates the effectiveness of grapevine information in management of University Libraries. Grapevine being an informal communication network is like the cancer disease, there is no established cause and cure to it. At times, it is referred to us rumors. Like many other organizations worldwide, Grapevines are found in Institutions including universities. Grapevine does not always follow the same patterns as, nor do they necessarily coincide with formal channels of communication. The study therefore tries to establish the existence of Grapevine in University libraries, its cause, weakness and effectiveness in management and decision making. Finally the paper highlights the challenges and advantages faced in using Grapevine information in decision making and management.
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