*James Amonth, Micheal M. Rotich and Musalia Matiangi
The integrated approach to teaching and learning has been lauded in educational literature as an approach which avoids fragmentation of knowledge and leads to holistic understanding of concepts. It is also considered to be a superior organization for cognitive learning since the human brain rejects learning what is fragmented. The integrated approach is also said to lead to better learning of students. This approach was implemented in the teaching of English in secondary schools in Kenya in 1995. People have however hither to, expressed doubt about the implementation of this in secondary schools in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of the integrated approach in the teaching of English in secondary schools. Data was collected from classroom practice using the adopted Maseno University Teaching Practice Assessment Criteria and from students using a questionnaire. Analysis of data revealed that there were minimal levels of integration in English lessons and that more than half of teachers of other subjects did not bother to correct language errors that occurred during their lessons. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that there is a discrepancy in Kenya between the official English Language Curriculum and the implemented English Language Curriculum in schools. Secondly, there is lack of concerted efforts in improving English Language standards among teachers of other school subjects. It is recommended in this study that research be carried out on impediments to implementation of the integrated approach to the teaching of English in secondary schools in Busia district in particular and in Kenya in general. Secondly teacher education, in-service courses and teacher workshops should emphasize the language across the curriculum concept so that every secondary school teacher becomes an English teacher concerned about English errors.
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