Hulya Saygı and Bahar Bayhan
In this study, economic factors which are effective upon the import demand of fishery products in Turkey were studied. Import demand of fishery products in Turkey is affected by the world prices, agriculture programs and policies of the governments. Turkey’s import demand of fishery products was approached as a function of domestic prices, per capita income, lagged amount of import (t-1), exchange rate of the US dollar (USD)- Turkish lira (foreign exchange rate) and the factor of trend. Parameters were estimated with regression analysis. The study is a time series analysis and the data include the period between 1996 and 2008 and they are annual. Consequently, while the gross national product, domestic real prices, exchange rate of dollar and lagged import variable were found statistically significant among the factors that affect the analysis of Turkey’s import demand of fishery products, trend factor was not found statistically significant.
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