Ranvid Sagal Anikesh
The main objective of this study was to analyze the pedagogy as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo Ghosh. For conducting this study, philosophical and historical methods were employed. The primary and secondary sources related to Sri Aurobindo Ghosh’s educational philosophy were evaluated after detailed analysis. The general philosophical tools used for the study was induction, deduction, dialectical analysis and synthesis. The study revealed that Sri Aurobindo Ghosh’s system of education was psychological. His pedagogy is particularly rooted in individual attention and promotes creativity, encourages dialogue and attempts all-round development of the individual. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh advocated the method of discovery and activity, he believed in self-teaching that is how to learn and not to impart knowledge. The study further revealed that in future, teacher need not bind himself either to the ancient or the modern system but select only the most perfect and rapid means of mastering knowledge and the teacher should put the child onto the right road, to become perfect and encourage him to follow it, watching, suggesting, helping but not interfering.
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