J. Angayarkanni, M. Palaniswamy*, B.V. Pradeep and K. Swaminathan
Xylanase enzymes of three fungi, Aspergillus indicus, A. flavus and A. niveus, were purified and characterized. The enzymes are used in the pretreatment of Hardwood kraft pulp prior to conventional alkali extraction and conventional chlorine extraction sequence (EDED process) normally used for bleaching of pulp. In the enzyme pretreated pulp when subjected to alkali extraction process the kappa number was reduced to a maximum of 5.0, 6.2 and 6.8 from 18.60 and the brightness was increased to a maximum of 43.12, 42.20 and 45.19 ISO units, respectively, from 19.83 by xylanases of A. indicus, A. flavus and A. niveus. Whereas, in the enzyme pretreated pulp, when subjected to EDED process, the maximum reduction in kappa number of 6.7, 7.2 and 7.1 and a maximum increase in brightness of 41.28, 41.06 and 41.07 ISO units, respectively, were observed in case of A. indicus, A. flavus and A. niveus.
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