C-banding analysis of chromosome translocations in doubled haploid wheats


Shimelis Hussein

C-banding analysis of plant chromosomes has various applications including construction of karyotypes to identify lines with polymorphic banding patterns, to study structural aberrations and other cytogenetics research. 66 double haploid (DH) lines were produced from crosses of stripe rust susceptible common wheat cultivar ‘Plamiet’ (Triticum aestivum, 2n=6x=42; AABBDD) with resistant cultivar ‘Cappelle-Desprez’ (CD) characterized with 5B/7B reciprocal chromosome translocations. Cbanding analysis was conducted to detect the presences of the 5B/7B translocations among the DH wheat lines. The analysis detected that 35 DH lines were positive and 31 negative for translocations. The differentiated lines will be studied to establish weather previously proposed gene(s) present on the translocated 5B or other chromosome(s) could confer resistance.

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