Challenges in determining the order of nucleotides within a DNA molecule using the DNA technologies


D. A Satish, E. O Varun*, Kumar Vikas Singh, Gupta F. Yunus, Farhan A. and Gowda E.

The advent of second and third generation DNA sequencing techniqnologies have revolutionized the genomics research. The Single Molecule Sequencing technologies are adequate to minimize occurrence of errors in sequencing. The third generation sequencing technologies could overcome limitations of first and second-generation sequencing technologies. The almost complete human genome sequencing was performed by using single molecular sequencing technologies. Benefits, risks and safeguards associated with the disclosure of information of very intimate kind contained in human genome, were also discussed. The power of whole sequencing for human welfare arises only from associations with medical histories, behavioral characteristics, physical descriptions and genome-environment interactions not from mere knowledge of base pairs.

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