Checklists for evaluating high value agricultural products projects: The experience of the pacific island developing countries..


Amos Gyau1, Zac Tchoundjeu1 and Stelle Franzel2

This paper identifies and investigates high value agricultural products (HVAPs) related projects in the experiences of the Pacific islands developing countries (PIDCs). Based on analysis and evaluation of project reports, the paper identifies key factors and checklists which need to be evaluated in embarking on projects which affect the development of HVAPs related projects. The main elements of the proposed framework include external factors, level of integration of the value chain project to traditional agricultural system of the beneficiary country, market analysis, how holistic is the approach and linkages of the projects to other projects. The paper provokes thoughts for the development of a holistic framework to analyse HVAPs projects in the PIDC in particular and developing countries in general.

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