Kofo Aderogba
Ozone depletion and the ravaging effects on climate, lives and physical environment are global. The objectives of this paper are to describe atmospheric chemistry leading to ozone depletion, global warming and unravel the consequences of global warming in Lagos Metropolis with a view to making suggestions for sustainable growth and development. Recent literatures were contacted. News paper cuttings were read. Reports and communiqués of conferences, workshops, seminars and committees were read and used. Radio and television documentaries and programmes were listened to and used. Empirical observations were made of weather elements, plants and animals and others. Data on weather elements were derived from Federal Meteorological Station, Oshodi. Members of the public were interviewed and they provided information on recent changes in weather phenomena, acid rain, inclement warmth, vegetation and others. Compositions of the air differ significantly from the WHO permissible standards. Cloud cover is unusually thicker; early rains are cloudy and more acidic. Runoffs have increased, and aquatic ecosystems are gradually getting depleted and giving way to terrestrial type of ecosystem. There are threat to lives and property. There may be need for additional research to further establish the findings. But for sustainable development, every stake holder must rise against the adversities of global warming and harness its advantages.
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