Command and Control Approach as a Policy Option for the Protection of Environment in Ethiopia: Standards as a Major Tool


Adane Mandie*

This paper evaluates the effectiveness of the Command and Control (C&C) approach, particularly through the use of standards, in protecting the environment in Ethiopia based on a desktop literature review. While various policy options, including C&C and Economic Instruments (EIs), have their respective strengths and weaknesses, the choice of approach largely depends on a country's governance structure, economic framework and societal attitudes. In the case of Ethiopia, the C&C approach is especially pertinent. Standards play a pivotal role in promoting sustainable development by mitigating the environmental impacts of economic growth. They regulate environmental degradation at multiple stages, such as controlling sulfur dioxide emissions through fuel content regulations and air quality standards. By implementing these standards, Ethiopia can achieve comprehensive and sustainable development, ensuring that economic progress does not come at the cost of environmental harm to both flora and fauna. However, the effectiveness of this approach hinges on robust enforcement mechanisms within the policy framework. This study highlights the benefits and limitations of the C&C approach and underscores its importance in the Ethiopian context, advocating for its strategic application to safeguard the environment.

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