Olaiya, A.O; Fagbayide, J.A; Hammed, L.A and M.O. Aliyu
A field study was carried out between 1999 and 2001 to comparatively evaluate the potential pod yield and losses in old and rehabilitated cacao plots. Two plots made up of an old and a rehabilitated plots were chosen and four trees were randomly selected as experimental unit at four different locations within each of the plots to serve as the replicates. The experimental units were then laid out in a randomized complete block design. Data on total fruit set (TFS), number of damaged pods (DMP), number of diseased pods (DSP), number of Cherelle wilted pods (CWP) and number of fermentable pods FMP) were collected over two years and subjected to ANOVA and correlation analysis. The result showed that pod loss to cherelle wilt was 34.9% and to diseases 22.3% while the damaged pods amounted to 11.5% in the old plot. In the rehabilitated plot, damage due to mirid infestation was responsible for about 27.4% pod loss followed by cherelle wilt of 25.6% and diseased pods 11.7%. The total number of fermentable pods of 19.8% and 41.6 were obtained in both old and rehabilitated plots respectively. The result showed that TFS was significantly (P<0.01) improved by rehabilitation though damage due to insect infestation and pod loss to cherelle wilt still accounted for the loss of over 50% TFS.
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