Vanessa Eniola and Mofeyisade Adeyemi
As philosopher says that change is the only permanent phenomenon in life, so, conflict has been identified as the propelling agent. It thus explains why these natural phenomena have been employed to discuss the historical experience in a part of Africa. Ilorin is one of the capitals of states (Kwara State) in Nigeria. It is located on latitude 80-30 north and longitude 40-35 east. As frontier to both the Caliphate, the political structure briquetted on most of the northern states of Nigeria after the success of the 19 Century Jihad, led by Shehu Uthman Danfodio and the Yoruba speaking peoples of the south west, Ilorin history have been identified by scholars of both regions as necessary knowledge to illuminate the gray areas in their respective studies. Even though much are yet to be explored from its wide historical roles, this effort is one of such discussions to illustrate the impact of conflict in its being and changes that have been registered in its past. The study will be approached from the historical perspectives by appraising the sequence of changes witnessed in the area premised on conflict.
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