Constraints to privatization and commercialization of agricultural extension services as perceived by extension professionals and farmers.


Ajieh, P. C., Agwu, A.E. and Anyanwu, A.C.

This study examined the perception of constraints to privatization and commercialization (P and C) of agricultural extension services by extension professionals and farmers. The study was carried out in Delta State, Nigeria. A sample size of 224 respondents comprising of 134 extension professionals and 90 farmers were involved in the study. Data for the study were collected through the use of structured questionnaire and structured interview schedule. The questionnaire was used for the extension professionals, while the interview schedule was used for the farmers. Data were collected between March and September, 2007. Trained field assistants selected in each location, in addition to the researchers collected the data. Data were analyzed using mean perception scores, standard deviations and t-test. Results show that all the 21 constraints examined by the study were perceived as being important. There was a general agreement between extension professionals and farmers regarding constraints to P and C of agricultural extension services. Differences were observed in only 6 constraints. The study concludes that the constraints identified by this study are serious issues to P and C and should therefore be given adequate consideration by policy makers, stakeholders in extension service delivery and the government of Delta State, Nigeria before final decision is taken on whether or not to privatize and commercialize agricultural extension services in the State.

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