Contribution of mosquito vectors in malaria transmission in an urban district of Southern Cameroon .


Eric Moise Bakwo Fils1,2*, Patrick Akono Ntonga2,3, Philippe Belong4 and Jean Messi2

In order to observe the role of vectors in malaria transmission in an urban area, a 12-month longitudinal entomological survey was conducted from January to December 2007 at Ekombitié, a central district of Ebolowa, south Cameroon. Mosquitoes captured indoors by human volunteers were identified morphologically. Among the 14.468 mosquitoes captured, three vectors were identified: Anopheles gambiae s.l., Anopheles moucheti and Anopheles funestus. A. gambiae was the most aggressive species with 38.72 bites per human per night. A. gambiae s.l. was the main malaria vector at Ekombitié with 86.72% of total transmission, followed by A. moucheti (12.38%) A. funestus (0.9%). Malaria transmission occurred throughout the year and was due each month to at least two vector species, A. gambiae s.l. (98 infective bites/human/year) and A. moucheti (14 infective bite/human/year) being always involved.

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