Imoloame EO
Data for this review were obtained from the research conducted in Owerri, in the humid forest zone of Nigeria (latitudes 50 20’N and 50 27’N and between longitudes 70 E and 70 07’E) in 2007 and 2008, in Ibadan (latitude 7 0 23’N, longitude 30 53’E) and Ogbomosho (latitude8O 8’N; longitude 4O 16’E) in the rainforest – savanna transition ecological zones. The objective was to determine the critical period of weed control in okra. In both humid forest and rainforest – savanna transition ecological zones, the critical period of weed control was observed to be between 2 weeks after sowing (WAS) and harvest. However in areas dominated by Tithonia diversifolia weeds in the forest-savanna transitional zone, the critical period of weed control in okra was observed to be between 2 and 4 WAS during the rainy season and only one hoe weeding at 2 (WAS) in the dry season was enough
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