Damage controls of library materials in federal Universities in Cross River and Akwa Ibom State


Attahiru K. O*, Ottong Ubong and E. Y. Edet

This paper aims to inve stigate the level of Disa ster management and preservation of Library materials in tertiary institutions, Akwa Ibom and Cross River States, Nigeria. A structured que stionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection with librarians in University of Calabar, Cross River State University of Technology (CRUTECH) and University of Uyo as re spondents; Findings of the survey show that all the respondents were aware of occurrence s of disaster, but there has not been major catastrophe s in the se institutions. In the area of disa ster preparedness the se institutions are aware of several safeguard techniques, although they have not fully installed needed equipments and facilitates. The findings of the study place the universities on a very low score in relations to ability to re spond rapidly to disa ster and concrete plans of action for recovery and disa ster control.

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