Divergences between the BR GAAP and US GAAP


Thiago Luiz, Fernando Coelho and Alessandra V. Lima

The objective of this paper is to analyze impacts of the divergences between Brazilian accounting standards (BR GAAP) and ‘generally accepted accounting principles’ in the United States (US GAAP) in accounting recognition, measurement and disclosure. Seventeen Brazilian companies listed on the São Paulo stock exchange (BOVESPA) that negotiated American depositary receipts (ADRs) on the New York stock exchange (NYSE) were selected, using as a reference financial statements. Results demonstrate that the principal groups of accounts affected by divergences were long term realizable assets (assets and equity realizable over a long term), long term exigible liability (long term debts) and operational profit. The principle divergences observed in explanatory notes were those relative to ‘goodwill’ and structure of the balance.

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