Aysel Uslu , Emin Bari and Elmas Erdo an
Both developed and developing countries are living a disturbing period because of growing population, rapid
urbanization and environmental degradation in their urban and also rural areas. So that , the new approaches and
terms in the field of daily life, which will be the solution of environmental problems are getting priority in the agenda
of planners, managers and designers of cities. Many similar terms such as “green movement”, ecological
approaches”, “sustainable development” and “green urbanization” play an increasingly important role in the
purpose of minimizing environmental degradation in different areas. Cemeteries are the probably the most
interesting areas in this context. Cemeteries as the inevitable form of land use in cities, should have be planned,
managed, design and maintained with ecological approaches in order to protect environment and create livable
spaces. Ecological concerns to cemetery areas include the type of inhume, selection of burial area, the type of soil,
cemetery landscape design (selection of plant species etc.) and maintenance of cemetery landscape (such as weed
control, fertilization) after planning and design process. This paper intends to emphasize and explains these
considerations and their importance in the cities as healthy urban habitats. It also gives some samples of ecocemetery, which have less pollutant. The study especially gives cemetery issues from different religions and
cultures, discusses ecological sensitivity for cemeteries.
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