Economical advantage of trees integration in orchards


*Rahul V. Basu, Kaushik Ghose and Aung Sen Sharma

Farming in Punjab has been the predominantly economic activity managing food production system. Integration of trees on agriculture land is increasingly appreciated as an important strategy for secured additional economic income. This is demonstrated by the 0.37% cropping area being under Wheat-poplar system. The extension of this strategy is the integration of trees in orchards in the state. Various fruits like Guava, Kinnow, Pear, Peach, and Plum are being grown on 47087 hectares in the state. Integration of short rotation woody perennials in this land use system definitely contributes to the increased income and other intangible ecological benefits. This could also be one of the potential strategies towards diversification of farming system in the state. There is a wide gap between the operational area and potential areas which can be bought under combination of fruits and trees. Moreover, little understanding on the interaction between trees and fruit trees and many areas such as nutrient cycling, water and soil moisture conservation, melioration of microclimate which tender resilience to the complex system still remains untouched. Accurate, concise and clear information facilitates the recommendations on choice between alternatives and promoting the horti- silvi models. The deficiency of reliable yield data based on empirical work calls for efforts in the research and development through which site specific technology packages can be disseminated. The existing operational models include integration of eucalyptus and poplar trees in orchards. Several other short rotation tree species such as Gmelina arborea, Anthocephalus cadamba, Ailanlhes excelsa, Melia azedarch are known to be performing equally well. This paper attempts to focus on reviewing the role of trees in orchards, supporting evidences from existing system and strategies for reducing the gap for further recommendations.

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