Ejegayehu Yifter Wolde
Ethiopian agriculture the back bone of the economy yet is characterized by small scale farming and experienced erratic rainfall as well as drought. The low produce can possibly grow through developing technology adoption and improved practices on the marginal farm lands. This study, therefore, examines the impact of wheat row planting technology adoption on small farms yield in Ofla Woreda, Southern zone of Tigrai, and Ethiopia using a primary data sources from a survey of a random sample of 300 small scale farm household heads. Of which 99 household heads were wheat row planting adopters (users) and the remaining 201were wheat grower households sow in broadcasting method non adopters (non users).To deal with this, propensity score matching (PSM) econometric tool was implemented. Next, the average treatment effects on the treated (ATT) estimated result was obtained using PSM method and has proven that wheat row planting technology adopter small farm household heads was gotten with a range of 40 to 60 quintal of wheat yield per hectare at a cost of sowing 4,800 ETB larger in a single production year unlike to the matched control group which is below 20 quintal at a Birr 3,600 cost of sowing. At the end, the researcher has recommended that scaling up of wheat row planting technology adoption as a package to increase wheat crop output on the marginal land and fasten the anti-poverty policy struggle is indispensable in Southern Tigrai, Ethiopia.
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