Effects of organic amendments on the growth and performance of Celosia argentea on an oxic Paleustalf in South western Nigeria.


B. A. Senjobi, O. T. Ande, C. T. Senjobi, O. A. Odusanya and O. D. Ajilore

The problems associated with availability of space for cultivation due to high demands on land for other uses has made virtually all farmers to embark on continuous cropping at the expense of soil fertility management. This study was therefore conducted to assess the effect of organic amendments on the yield and yield components of Celosia argentea. A field experiment was carried out to examine the effects of four different levels 0, 100, 150, and 200 g of different organic amendments (maize stovers, legume and cassava) on growth and yield of C. argentea and soil fertility. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Data collected were analyzed and significant means was compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) at 5%. Application of organic amendments had significant effect (p < 0.05) on growth and short yield of Celosia. The leguminous residues gave the highest plant growth and cumulative yield while the least was obtained with control. Cassava residues particularly, gave its best yield (133.36 g/ha) mainly at the second rate (150 g) of treatment while legumes gave the highest yield at the highest level of treatment (345.6 g/ha). There is no significant increase between the second (150 g/ha) and third (200 g/ha) rates of maize stovers treatment although, the third rate still gave the highest, that is, yield the same as legume. It was concluded that organic amendments significantly increased the soil fertility and yield of Celosia planted on the soil.

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