Effects of selected well water sources at Ishiagu quarry site, Ebonyi State, Nigeria on basic haematological parameters in peripheral blood of albino rats


Victor Chibueze Ude , Uhegbu Friday Obinwa , Emmanuel Iroha Akubugwo , Ositadinma Chinyere Ugbogu and Amadike Eziuche Ugbogu

The haematological studies on selected well-water sources within two kilometers from Ishiagu quarry site were evaluated using albino rats. Haematological parameters were determined using standard methods. Results shows that haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit value, red blood cell count and neutrophytes decreased, while platelet count increased significantly at (p<0.05) in test groups compared to control. Mean corpuscular volume and corpuscular haemoglobin concentration decreased non-significantly at (p<0.05). Total white blood count, percentage lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophytes were not influenced by the long term intake of the well-water. These findings show that consumption of well-water around the quarry site in Ishiagu may lead to anaemia in the experimental animals and therefore may not be safe for human consumption. The toxicological implications of these findings are discussed.

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