Belewu, M. A.*, Belewu, K. Y. and Bello, I. O.
A study was conducted to evaluate effects of TRICHODERMA-treated cassava waste on the haemotology, reproductive and urinary parameters of West African dwarf (WAD) does. Twenty mature WAD does were allotted randomly to one four treatments using a completely randomized design arrangement. Does were individually fed the experimental diets containing 0, 20, 30 and 40% fungus treated cassava waste based diets (A, B, C and D, respectively) during the 56 days experiment. The blood parameters (PCV, Hb, RBC and WBC) of animals fed the tested diet compared with those fed the control diet are similar (p>0.05). Likewise, the pH, urea concentration of the urine were comparable (P>0.05) in does fed the experimental and control diets while the urobilinogen was normal across the diets. Fertility, fecundity and prolificacy rates showed better reproductive performance with diet D compared to that of diets A, B and C. These data indicate that addition of TRICHODERMA-treated cassava waste in the diet of goats had no detrimental effect on the haematological, urinary and reproductive performances of lactating WAD does.
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