Pesola J. 1,2, Paakkanen H. 3 and Hakalehto E. 4,5*
A case of 49-year-old man with a pyelonephritis occurring for the second time within a year is described with special emphasis to the urgent verification detection of the urinary pathogen. The patient was treated in Kuopio University Hospital (KUH), Finland. An Uricult dipslide method (Orion Diagnostica Oy, Espoo, Finland; standard method) was compared with a PMEU Scentrion® enrichment culture method (PMEU method), where the growth of the bacteria was detected by the PMEU Scentrion® analysis of volatiles emitted from the syringes. By the PMEU method the bacterial growth was detected after 3 h with equal speed from both aerobic and anaerobic enrichment cultures. By the standard method one day after the sampling, when the plates were read for the first time, the pathogen concentration was >10E5/ ml. The enhancement of microbiological analysis of urine samples is warranted for decreasing the numbers of complications. This is especially important for patients prone to urinary tract infections or at risk of disseminating antibiotic resistant strains. According to this study the PMEU method proved out to be a useful means for shortening the delays and in guiding the selection of suitable treatments for urinary tract infections repeatedly threatening a risk patient.
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