Epidemiology and aetiology of fractures treated in four hospitals in the South West Region of Cameroon: A 5 year review


Nana C. Theophile, Fokam Pius, Mokake N. Martin, Ngouateu Chrysal, Ndasi Henry, Palle J. Ngunde and Chichom-Mefire A

Background: Injury is the leading cause of death in low�??and middle�??income countries among people between the age of 5 and 45 years. Road traffic injuries in Cameroon have increased since the introduction of motorcycles for commercial transportation. Our aim is to establish the epidemiological profile of fractures treated in the South West Region of Cameroon. Methods: This was a hospital based retrospective analysis of files of patients managed with fractures from January 2013 to December 2017 in South West of Cameroon. Results: A total of 1267 patients had a fracture (57.3% of surgical emergencies). There were 905 males and 362 females (sex ratio of 2.5:1). The ages ranged from 02 to 94 years (mean: 36.99±17.73 years). The most affected were between 20-40 years. Farmers were the most affected. The most common cause of fracture was road traffic crash. The main causes of injury involved motorcycle collisions. Fractures of the lower limbs accounted for 65.32%. Operative treatment was done in 84.21% of fractures. Conclusion: Fractures make up a majority of surgical emergencies. Young male adults are the most affected. Road traffic crash involving motorcycles was the main mechanism of injury.

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