*Simon E. Ahidjo, Ephraim R. Hayatou and Peter L. Ayang
One of the most universal forms of resource-use in the tropics is small-scale wood exploitation; but
ecologists are only starting to study its effects. This paper examines the effects of small-scale wood
harvesting on forest structure and composition of mangrove forests. A stratified sampling method was
used to select the sample zone. The forest characteristics were assessed by employing the
quadrat/census plot method (Cintron and Schaeffer, 1984). To assess canopy structure, plot perimeter
was used as a basis for line intercept sampling (Lertzman et al., 1996). Two-thirds of all canopy gaps
were caused by human activities and this might have dramatic effects on regeneration because there
were significantly more seedlings in canopy gaps compared with closed canopy areas. Rhizophora was
the dominant species and formed a virtually monospecific stand in the coastline zone with a gradual
transition to a mixed forest of Laguncularia, Avicennia and Rhizophora. Ecological characteristics such
as mean tree density, seedling density, mean diameter at breast height, basal areas and gap sizes
differed among seaward, middle and landward zones. The findings from the present study highlight that
the ecological effect of small scale wood exploitation is a potential threat to mangrove forest ecosystem health.
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