Akinlolu O. Ohunakin and Alex C. Odiy
Five maize populations (TZE 5012, TZE 9030, TZE 9450, SWAN 1 and SWAN 4), were evaluated on performance stability under two natural soil nitrogen conditions viz: 1.57gkg-1 and 1.74gkg-1 . Data were collected on the productivity potential viz; germination and survival percentage and crop performance including; plant height, leaf area, anthesis-silking interval and total seed weight. Results showed that lines SWAN 1, SWAN 4 and TZE 9030 had relatively stable productivity and crop performance, above TZE 5012 and TZE 9450. Kernenberg grouping analysis on yield stability and line variability showed that SWAN 1, TZE 9030 and TZE 9450 had relatively stable yield, above TZE 5012 and SWAN 4. While SWAN 1, SWAN 4 and TZE 5012 showed relatively high stability, above TZE 9030 and TZE 9450. Overall performance and stability assessment revealed that SWAN 1 had better responses in both the environment studied; hence it has good genetic traits for adaptation under varying soil nitrogen conditions.
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