Robert Lang, Karen Rebecca and Bruce Hynek Jones
Groundwater in the study area was shallow and found in the relatively permeable Mio-Pliocene alluviums comprised of sand and gravels. To assess groundwater pollution by hydrocarbons and heavy metals, piezometric level and physico-chemical data were monitored for eight months using 19 piezometers. The industrial effluents were sampled from a drainage channel within the industrial zone. The average results of physico-chemical analyses (TSS, Total Hydrocarbons and some metals) show an important qualitative degradation of the groundwater, especially in the parts situated in the down gradient area and in direct proximity of the drainage channel. Key factors influencing the extent of groundwater contamination include the depth of the water table, permeability of the soil, and therefore its infiltration rate. In order to prevent further deterioration of groundwater quality, effluent must be transported via pipes or impervious channels for treatment prior to discharge
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