O. O. Babalola*, D. K. Berner and N. A. Amusa
To investigate the role of Pseudomonas sp., Klebsiella oxytoca and Enterobacter sakazakii in Striga hermonthica seed germination, we have used two varieties of sorghum to test over time for the selected bacteria, using GR-24, a synthetic strigol analogue as a standard and water as a check. Sorghum seeds coated with a mixture of bacterial cells (5 x 107 cfu ml-1 ) from 24 h old cultures were planted in pasteurized potted soil, which was infested with 0.05 g (about 3000) viable S. hermonthica seed per pot 14 d before sowing. Results have indicated that the bacterial isolates could stimulate S. hermonthica germination in the laboratory and in the screen-house. In vitro, only Pseudomonas sp. 4MKS8 gave significant stimulation of S. hermonthica seed at 5% level of probability as compared to the water check. In the screen-house, the four bacterial isolates stimulated significant germination of S. hermonthica.
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