Prem Saran Tirumalai and Soam Prakash*
Listeria monocytogenes is a dreaded pathogen colonizes to form biofilm in the natural environments and in food processing facility. Biofilm state makes the bacterium resistant to antimicrobial agents. L. monocytogenes, an intracellular parasite also colonizes the mammalian epithelial cells in the gut. Chitinase and other chitinolytic proteins expressed by L. monocytogenes contribute to the colonization of the bacterium in the intestine. It has been reported that chitinase and chitin binding proteins are essential for attachment of the bacterium to the epithelial cells. In this study, we have pursued to analyze, if chitinase and chitin binding proteins play a role in biofilm formation and the expression of these proteins otherwise in a co-culture state. We report the expression pattern of these proteins, which supports our claim that chitinase and chitin binding proteins have a role to play in biofilm formation.
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