Ashfaq Nazir, Riffat NaseemMalik and HamayunShaheen
The flora of Sarsawa Hills, District Kotli, Azad Kashmir consisted of 40 plant species belonging to 24 families. Of them, 18 families were Dicots; 4 Monocots and 1 Pteridophytes. Gymnosperms were represented by Pinaceae only. Poaceae had 12 species which was followed by Euphorbiaceae (3 spp.). Acanthaceae, Leguminoseae and Urticaceae had 2 species each while remaining families had single species. The biological spectrum showed that hemicryptophytes (27.5%) and megaphanerophytes (25%) were the most abundant, followed by nanophanerophytes (22.5%) and therophytes (17.5%). Geophytes (5%) chemophytes (2.5%)had low occurrence in the investigated area. Leaf spectra investigation revealed thatleptophylls were dominant (40%), followed by nanophylls (22.5%), microphylls (22.5%), and mesophylls (15%). No megaphylls were reported in the investigated area due to severe drought condition.
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