Formulation of health drinks using natural sweetener, its HPTLC method development and validation


S. B. Bhise and V. R. Salunkhe*

Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Mulethi, Awala, Shatavari, Gokharu, Arjun, Giloy, Safed musli, Kalimirchi, Haldi, Jaiphal was used as an active ingredients and aqueous extract of Stevia rebaudiana as natural sweetener with nutraceutical in health dinks. The product was developed by treating concentrates of each crude drug with purified water. TLC profile, HPTLC method development and validation were carried out using Gallic acid as a standard. A new simple, sensitive, selective, precise and robust HPTLC method for analysis of Gallic acid in health drink was developed. Precoated silica health drink aluminium plate 60F-254 (20 × 10 cm) with 200 µm thickness was used as stationary phase while toluene: ethyl acetate: formic acid: ethanol (6: 4: 0.3: 0.4) system was developed as a mobile phase. Spectrum analysis showed the same Rf values and spectrum pattern of standard and sample. The method was validated by using accuracy, precision, linearity, robustness, ruggedness and recovery as applicable parameters. The developed method was quite good and most sensitive for the present products. The unpleasant and bitter taste of the product was masked by different concentrations of aqueous extract of Stevia. Sweetness potency was determined by taste evaluation method. 1% Stevia extract is sufficient to produce most palatable and acceptable sweet preparation.

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