Histological study on the body wall of Ascaridia galli (Nematoda)


Zohair I. F. Rahemo* and Sagida S. Hussain

The body wall of Ascaridia galli has been investigated using 1-2 µ thick sections and stained with Toludin Blue. It is found to consist of three layers, cuticle, hypodermis or subcuticle and muscle layer. The cuticle in turn consists of three layers namely cortex or upper layer deeply stained with TB, 1.7 µ in thickness, middle layer or matrix 3.15 µ in thickness with no distinct constitutions, then fiber layer which in turn consists of several layers of dense tissue, its thickness 5.65 µ and settled on basement membrane. On the surface of the cuticle plugs a transverse annuli which divide the body into annuli, the distance between each two 0.22 µ each annulus is divided by three subannuli, large anterior 0.124 µ in length and other two are small, middle and posterior 0.047- 0.054, 0.045-0.054 µ respectively. The hypodermis or dermis is thin and not well developed and of syncytial type and its nuclei are constricted to the longitudinal cords that is, dorsal, ventral, and two laterals. Mainly these nuclei are present in the lateral cords and longitudinal excretory canals which pass through these cords. The hypodermis become more thicker as proceed posteriorly to reach 2 - 3 µ in thickness in the inter-caudal region as well as thicker in the four longitudinal cords protruded in the pseudocoel and reach the maximum thickness near the nerve ring. In addition to these cords there also four secondary cords which divide the muscle groups into 8 sectors and. Moreover lateral cells in the middle of the body are larger and more prominent becoming pyriform clusters or cup -shaped forming lateral hypodermal glands. The average depths of these glands are 97 µ in male and 148 µ in female. A canal or duct arises from each gland the two canals united to open together and a prominent cuticular pominance is seen near the opening of these glands.

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