P. N. Wambura*
Suitability of storing infected allantoic fluid (AF) and cell culture supernatants (CCS) with strain I-2 of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) on Whatman filter papers at room temperature (22-25ï?°C) and 37ï?°C was determined. RNA was extracted from filter papers or liquid aliquots and subjected to reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain reactions (RT-PCR). The results showed that filter papers soaked with NDV infected AF or CCS stored at 37ï?°C yielded amplicons with intensity similar to that kept at room temperature for up to 150 days. The study demonstrates that NDV infected samples can be soaked onto filter papers, stored and subsequently detected by RT-PCR. This method might be safely used for storage and transportation of NDV samples to the designated laboratories for molecular studies without the need for cooling.
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