Francis Ndamani And Tsunemi Watanabe
In recent years, rainfall anomalies have led to numerous incidences of droughts in the Lawra district of the Upper West Region of Ghana. These anomalies have the potential to cause undesirable effects on crop production and food security. This study analyzed annual and seasonal rainfall variability and their relationships with crop production. The adaptation techniques required to mitigate the effects of rainfall anomalies were also suggested. Monthly rainfall data for 33 years available at the Babile weather station was used. Seasonal and annual rainfall variability and concentration were analyzed using the coefficient of variation and the precipitation concentration index respectively. Available data on annual production volumes of major crops produced between 1992 and 2012 was used. Correlation analysis was used to assess the influence of rainfall on crop production. The results revealed moderate seasonal and irregular annual rainfall concentration. Generally, rainfall in the district starts in May. However, the number of rain days and volume (mm) tend to decrease in June before peaking up in July and August. Correlation between annual rainfall and crop production were negative for all the crops studied. At seasonal level only sorghum, millet and groundnut were negatively correlated with rainfall. Based on the results obtained, this study concluded that identifying and implementing appropriate adaptation techniques through effective stakeholder collaboration was essential in boosting the production of sorghum, millet and groundnut.
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