*Jesse C. Munya, Peter Coons Kibwana and Cornel F. Gikandi
Religious organizations in Kenya are empowered by the Education Act to participate in the management of schools and colleges that they sponsor. These religious sponsors include: the Quaker Church; the Catholic Church; Africa Inland Church; Salvation Army Church; Seventh Day Adventist Church; Church of God; Presbyterian Church of East Africa; Methodist Church; Baptist Church; Anglican Church of Kenya and the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church. The Quaker Church dominates sponsorship of schools in Bungoma East District. However, doubts have been raised regarding its contribution to public secondary school management. This was because there was very scanty documented information on the role of the Quaker Church in Educational Institutions. The purpose of this study was therefore to establish the contribution of the Quaker church to management of public secondary schools in Bungoma East District. A conceptual framework was used to focus on the contribution of the Quaker church to the management of public secondary schools. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study population consisted of 25 Principals, 25 Board of Governors (BOG) chairpersons, 25 Parents Teachers Association (PTA) chairpersons, 329 Teachers, Quaker Church Education Secretary (QCES) and the District Quality Assurance and Standards Officer (DQASO). Simple random sampling technique was used to sample 22 Principals, 22 BOG chairpersons, 22 PTA chairpersons and 118 teachers. Saturated sampling technique was used to select one QCES and one DQASO. Document analysis guide, Questionnaires and Interview schedules were used for data collection. Face validity of the instruments was determined by experts in the Department of Educational Management and Foundations. The outcome of the pilot study was used to enhance the instruments reliability by correcting the inconsistencies and ambiguities noted. Quantitative data obtained from closed ended questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics in form of percentages and frequency counts. Qualitative data collected from open-ended questionnaire and interviews was transcribed and analyzed on an on-going process as themes and sub-themes emerged from the data. The study established that: The contribution of the Quaker church to staffing in secondary schools in Bungoma East was through panel of selection in accordance to Teachers Service Commission guidelines. The Quaker church’s contribution to school discipline management was mainly through pastoral programs conducted during weekend challenges, rallies, Sunday services, counseling and special prayer days by chaplains. The contribution of Quaker church to financing of education was generally minimal because of lack of funds. However, the main contribution was school establishment by providing physical facilities, land in particular on which virtually all Quaker sponsored schools were built. The Quaker church motivated teaching staff in its sponsored schools through creation of peaceful working environment. The study concluded that the Quaker church’s contribution to public secondary school management was minimal and this was attributed to challenges it faced and its principles of simplicity and non-interference. The study recommended that: The Quaker church should incorporate competent Quaker educationists who are well founded in educational management in its school programs to replace the less informed nominees on school boards. The Quaker church should be actively involved more in the appointment of process of secondary school principals to enhance mutual co-existence among all key stakeholders in education management. The Quaker church should train and deploy more chaplains to all of its sponsored schools for effectiveness in pastoral programs and guidance and counseling.
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