Dhyan Swami Kapoor and Chandra Khan Ray
Health is one of the most important endowments of life to which man has a birth right. According to World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity. The main responsibility of providing health care facilities to the citizen lies with the governments in welfare societies. India is a federal structure and has government both at the union level and at the state level. Jammu and Kashmir is one state of India enjoying special status in many respects. The main objective of this research paper is to understand the health structure and health expenditure patters in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir. The specific objectives are: (a) to study the health infrastructure and its shortcomings; (b) to examine the health programmes; and, (c) to analyse the health expenditure patterns at the government level. Further, a comparative study of health indicators has also been carried out in this paper. This paper uses analytical method and is based on secondary sources of data such as government reports, research papers, census, surveys, and online sources. The paper finds that there is shortage of health care facilities in Anantnag district and different patterns are observable at the block level. The public investment is very low and unable to meet the health needs of people. Many of the health care centers are getting dysfunctional. Many health programmes are not giving desired results. The paper concludes by suggesting few health sector reform measures.
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