Locally produced fish feed: potentials for aquaculture development in subsaharan Africa.


U.U. Gabriel, O. A Akinrotimi, D. O. Bekibele, D. N Onunkwo and P. E. Anyanwu.

Aquaculture development and growth in Africa have been on low ebb despite the vast aquatic resources that abounds on the continent. Since the introduction of aquaculture to Africa, some decades ago, there have been a lot of innovations, technological advancement and progress in the areas of genetics, seed propagation, pond construction and farm management in general. Despite breakthroughs recorded in these areas most farmers in Africa still rely heavily on imported feed ingredients and fish feeds from European countries, which makes fish farming expensive as fish feed account for at least 60% of the total cost of production. This has contributed in no small measure to the slow pace at which aqua-culture is advancing in Africa. This article, however reviewed critically the potentials of locally manufac-tured fish feed in enhancing, improving and sustaining aquaculture development in Africa. Various methods of processing employed were discussed and suggestions were made on how aquaculture growth can reach its maximum potential in the production of fish through utilization of locally available fish feed ingredients.

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