Mahmoud Reza Ramezanpour, Yuri Popov , Kazem Khavazi and Hadi Asadi Rahmani
The great progress achieved in the use of molecular genosystematics permits the study to solve many problems of specificity in the relationship between plant and microbial population of the rhizosphere. In this study, the plant growth promoting properties (indolileacetic acid production, phosphate solubilization and siderophore production) and genetic diversity of isolated Pseudomonas strains were examined. Bacterial strains were isolated from the rice rhizosphere of paddy fields in three Northern Provinces (Mazandaran, Gollestan and Guillan) of Iran. Our studies revealed that pseudomonads have plant growth promoting properties. Isolated strains showed high ability of IAA production, phosphate solubilization and siderophore production, while genotyping analysis showed that pseudomonads isolated from the rhizosphere of rice are genetically diverse. Nevertheless, the strains were distributed into 11 genotypes, including five groups of fluorescent pseudomonads.
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