Albert Casely, Kwame E. Kotaka and Emmanuel V. Pele
Fungal species composition on fresh Capsicum annum L, Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench, and Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. obtained from Madina, Makola, Mallam Atta and Agbogbloshie markets in the Accra metropolis were studied. Using two media types Potato dextrose agar (PDA) and dichloran-glycerin (DG18) agar, a total of 18 fungal species belonging to 8 genera were isolated from surface sterilized and non sterilized fruits. From fruits of all four markets, species in the genera Aspergillus (5 species), Cladosporium (2 species), Fusarium (3 species), Penicillium (4 species), Mucor (1 species), Neurospora (1 species), Trichoderma (1 species) and Yeasts species were isolated. The highest (2.79 log10 CFU/g) microbial load of fungi was recorded in samples of pepper obtained from Agbogbloshie market on PDA medium whilst the least fungal load (1.69 log10CFU/g) was resident on tomato samples from Makola and Mallam Atta markets isolated on DG18. A. flavus was the most common species occurring on all the fruits from all the markets surveyed. The fresh fruits therefore ought to be handled properly to eliminate or minimize mycofloral contaminants which may prevent seed germination and its adverse effect on humans in the event of toxin production.
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