Al-Sawadi Asmaa, Ali Rehab, Mageet AO
The aim of this study was to determine the need/outcome of orthodontic treatment in terms of improvement in an orthodontic training center in Khartoum, Sudan. Models of 90 patients were referred and treated at Mageet Orthodontic Training Center, Khartoum, Sudan with malocclusions of different types and severity. Three occlusal indices were used. The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) dental health component (DHC) showed 71.2% of the cases to have great improvement (grade 4-5), 18.8% moderate (grade 3) and 10% slight (grade 2) and 0% no treatment need (grade 1) while for the esthetic component (EC) 37.7% of the cases showed great improvement (grade 8-10), 45.5 % moderate (grade 5-7) and 16.6 % slight (grade 1-4). The Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) showed 57.5% of the cases with mean percentage reduction greater than 70% (93.4% of the cases shown improvement and 6.6% with no change). The Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need (ICON) showed 14.5% of the cases as not requiring orthodontic treatment and (34.4%) as very difficult to treat. The need for orthodontic treatment in Sudan is similar to the need in European countries, despite the fact that treated cases are more severe as compared to European countries.
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