Participatory demonstration and evaluation of drought tolerant maize technologies in Daro Lebu, Hawi Gudina and Boke Districts of West Hararghe Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia.


Asfaw ZZ, Mideksa BF and Fekede GT

Limited access to improved maize seed, late delivery of the available inputs, drought, insects-pests, lack of agronomics management and diseases are the major challenges facing maize production in Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted with the objective to demonstrate and evaluate the drought-tolerant maize varieties under farmers’ conditions. One kebele from each district, seven farmers, and two farmer Training Centers were used for demonstration and evaluation of maize varieties. Yield, farmers’ preference, number of participants in training and field day, cost of inputs, and benefits gained were major types of data collected using group discussion, observation, and counting. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, direct matrix and Garret ranking techniques, and partial budget analysis. The field day, training, advisory services, and supervision were conducted for the farmers with the integration of development agents and experts. MH-140 maize variety was high yielder, preferred by the farmers, and economically profitable than over MH-130 and local check varieties in the study area. Farmers were also preferred MH-130 variety in terms of early maturity than other varieties. Therefore, it recommended that both maize varieties (MH-130 and MH-140) for further scaling up in similar agro-ecologies thereby government organizations, non-governmental organizations, and private sectors engaged in agriculture in general and in maize production in particular.

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