Phytochemical screening of solvent extracts from Callilepis laureola plant


Polokuma E. Anderson*, Kojibola Winke and Ereapuaduoh B. V

Phytochemical screening of solvent extracts from Callilepis laureola plant was studied. Methanol and water extracts, respectively, revealed that phytochemical constituents found in both extracts were phenolics and gums. Reducing sugars were only observed in water extract while phytosterols and flavanoids were only found in methanol extract. Other phytochemical constituents such as saponins, glycosides, anthraquinone, proteins and amino acids were not found in any of the extracts. These phytochemical constituents were detected by colour changes depending on the analysis. Total ash content of the powdered material was found to be 6.90% w/w, water soluble ash was 69.67% w/w and sulphate soluble ash was 16.80% w/w. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) of the plant extracts was also observed and it was concluded that in each extracts, suitable mobile phase must be determined.

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