Mahdi Babaei, Elahe Asemani, Saeid Gazmeh, Soheyla Rezazadeh Shamkhal and Ebrahim Shirmohammad
Marketing agricultural products while establishing a balance between supply and demand in various stages of production to final consumption stabilize farm income and satisfy consumer demand. Therefore, agricultural marketing study seems necessary. In this study, pomegranate marketing in Neyriz city of Fars province was investigated and its various marketing channels were also evaluated. The results showed that, the share of pomegranate growers and marketing margin are almost good. Lack of suitable storage and fridge was one of the major problems of pomegranate growers. For improvement of the current situation, the formation of a cooperative of pomegranate growers in the region is recommended, for decreasing production costs and making storages and fridges enough for regulation of demand and supply
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