W. A. Ajibade , A.I. Adeyemo and E. A. Agbelusi
The population densities and distribution of green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) at Zugurma sector of Kainji lake national park were investigated. Transects were taken within the vegetation zones. Animal census was carried out by using road count and ground survey between 6.30 - 12.00 h in the mornings and between 15.00 - 18.30 h for six months. Other information recorded were the number of troops, the troop size, and the vegetation where they occurred. Results were pooled together using outer bound method. The diameter at breast height (DBH) and the relative densities of the major plant species in the habitats were also recorded. The result of the study revealed that the habitat of the green monkey have been restricted to the riparian vegetation zone in this sector of the park. The population density in Zugurma sector was 0.6/ km2 . The habitats were highly threatened. The average monthly population range was 141 - 795 for the period of study. The troop size was six. The population ratio of male to female was one to two. It was also observed that the juveniles were about 40% of the population. This confirmed that the population is stable and viable. Recommendations were made on the necessary strategies for improvement on the conservation of the species.
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