Uzuor K. Oluchi, Odimeghwu Eze and Ibiewuchi Sunny
This study evaluated some aspects of haematological effects of Picralima nitida saponin extracts on Rattus novergicus. The effect of increasing dosage of plant extract on haematological parameter was investigated. Thirty six (36) adult male white (albino) rats weighing 200 to 250 g were used for the study. Soxhlet extract of crude saponin from Picralima nitida was extracted using routine methods. All haematological parameters asse ssed were determined before treatment of the animals and subsequently evaluated weekly for six weeks. Haematological parameters were determined with routine methods. The increasing dosages (300, 600 and 900 mg/kg) of P. nitida soxhlet extracts produced significant (P < 0.05) changes in the haematological parameters of rats weekly for the 6 weeks of treatments when compared with those of the control rats. From the results of this experimental study, P. nitida saponin extract’s ability to decrease WBC show s that it is not useful in boosting the immune system, fighting immunity dependent infections and leucopernia but its ability to increase PVC and RBC shows that it may be useful in the management of Anaemia. Further studie s of P. nitida saponin extracts are therefore highly sugge sted for future inve stigations.
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